Vortrag und Präsentation von Seçil Yersel

Performativer Vortrag und Präsentation von Seçil Yersel, Künstlerin im Gästezimmer des Materials im Mai 2021

9. Juni 2021 | 19:00 21:00

Performativer Vortrag und Präsentation von Seçil Yersel, Künstlerin im Gästezimmer des Materials im Mai 2021.


9. Juni 2021
10178 Berlin

Open STAGE – new STARS am Himmel des HDS

Es ist viel passiert und dann auch wieder gar nichts; wir wissen nicht wie’s kommt aber es kommt von und mit Euch hoffentlich ganz VIEL… STARS are wanted – HDS sucht den Superstar – ein vielleicht stattfindende TalentSHOW mit Fahrradralley , Sackhüpfen, Eierlaufen, Luftballontanz, Umzugskarawane & Astronomica pendelt das Orakel vom Alles Anders Platz.

5. Juni 2021 | 16:00 18:00

Es ist viel passiert und dann auch wieder gar nichts; wir wissen nicht wie’s kommt aber es kommt von und mit Euch hoffentlich ganz VIEL… STARS are wanted – HDS sucht den Superstar – ein vielleicht stattfindende TalentSHOW mit Fahrradralley , Sackhüpfen, Eierlaufen, Luftballontanz, Umzugskarawane & Astronomica pendelt das Orakel vom Alles Anders Platz.




5. Juni 2021
Parkplatz Berolinastraße 22
10178 Berlin

Performance: Schaumschiff

Das ist das Abenteuer des Schaumschiffs, das mit seiner 2 Frau starken Besatzung unterwegs ist um Zivilisationen zu erforschen.Inspiriert von dem „Monolog Badezimmer“ von Ingrid Lausund entwerfen Ini Dill (Tanz) und Sabine Bremer (Musik) einen hybriden Wohlfühlraum. Sie landen und widmen sich den kapitalistisch rassistischen Konflikten des Seins.

16. Oktober 2020 | 19:00 19:45

Der Weltschaum unendliche Weiten. Das ist das Abenteuer des Schaumschiffs, das mit seiner zwei Frau starken Besatzung seit Jahren unterwegs ist um alte Strukturen zu erforschen, neues Leben und neue Zivilisationen. Viele Lichtjahre von der globalen Wohlfühlfaktor-Gleichstellung entfernt, dringt das Schaumschiff in die Badezimmergalaxie eines durchschnittlichen europäischen Individuums ein…

Inspiriert von dem „Monolog Badezimmer“ von Ingrid Lausund entwerfen die Performerin Ini Dill und die Musikerin Sabine Bremer einen hybriden Wohlfühlraum. Überall wollen sie landen, an jedem erdenklichem Ort, um sich den inneren kapitalistisch rassistischen Konflikten des Seins zu widmen. Erste Landung ist in der Wüstenlounge im Haus der Statistik.

Wann: 15./16.10.2020
Beginn: 19:00 Uhr



16. Oktober 2020
www.die-elektroschuhe.de, www.bini.berlin
10178 Berlin

Performance: Schaumschiff

Das ist das Abenteuer des Schaumschiffs, das mit seiner 2 Frau starken Besatzung unterwegs ist um Zivilisationen zu erforschen.Inspiriert von dem „Monolog Badezimmer“ von Ingrid Lausund entwerfen Ini Dill (Tanz) und Sabine Bremer (Musik) einen hybriden Wohlfühlraum. Sie landen und widmen sich den kapitalistisch rassistischen Konflikten des Seins.

15. Oktober 2020 | 19:00 19:45

Der Weltschaum unendliche Weiten. Das ist das Abenteuer des Schaumschiffs, das mit seiner zwei Frau starken Besatzung seit Jahren unterwegs ist um alte Strukturen zu erforschen, neues Leben und neue Zivilisationen. Viele Lichtjahre von der globalen Wohlfühlfaktor-Gleichstellung entfernt, dringt das Schaumschiff in die Badezimmergalaxie eines durchschnittlichen europäischen Individuums ein…

Inspiriert von dem „Monolog Badezimmer“ von Ingrid Lausund entwerfen die Performerin Ini Dill und die Musikerin Sabine Bremer einen hybriden Wohlfühlraum. Überall wollen sie landen, an jedem erdenklichem Ort, um sich den inneren kapitalistisch rassistischen Konflikten des Seins zu widmen. Erste Landung ist in der Wüstenlounge im Haus der Statistik.

Wann: 15./16.10.2020
Beginn: 19:00 Uhr



15. Oktober 2020
www.die-elektroschuhe.de, www.bini.berlin
10178 Berlin

Workshop: Dance_Lab27

All dance enthusiasts are welcome – from the most experienced to the novice … Dance_Lab27 is an open dance platform of the S27 Art and Education, bringing together a diverse group of people interested in movement and body research. Dance_Lab27 is an ongoing active exchange and is held regularly in Haus der Statistik: Haus D or Autoscooter

31. Oktober 2020 | 17:00 20:00

All dance enthusiasts are welcome …

Dance_Lab27 is an open dance platform of the S27 Art and Education, with the aim bringing together a diverse group of people interested in movement and body research: local, international, newcomers, dancers, performers and people who want to discover or rediscover dance and movement. Dance_Lab27 is an ongoing active exchange and welcomes all dance enthusiasts from the most experienced to the novice.

Dance_Lab27 is held regularly in our great new location in Haus der Statistik.

We will explore a diverse journey through a mix of styles – the body structure principles of tensegrity interacts with the different technics of contemporary Dance.

We also would love to offer you the opportunity of research and to create your own Works. From september on we will provide as well Sessions of Brainstorming to conceptualise our common future, to develop the new vision of the Dance_Lab27 – as a space for research and performance.

Funded by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family from the Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin.


31. Oktober 2020
facebook – Dance_Lab27
Otto-Braun-Straße 72
10178 Berlin Deutschland

Workshop: Dance_Lab27

All dance enthusiasts are welcome – from the most experienced to the novice … Dance_Lab27 is an open dance platform of the S27 Art and Education, bringing together a diverse group of people interested in movement and body research. Dance_Lab27 is an ongoing active exchange and is held regularly in Haus der Statistik: Haus D or Autoscooter

20. Oktober 2020 | 17:00 20:00

All dance enthusiasts are welcome …

Dance_Lab27 is an open dance platform of the S27 Art and Education, with the aim bringing together a diverse group of people interested in movement and body research: local, international, newcomers, dancers, performers and people who want to discover or rediscover dance and movement. Dance_Lab27 is an ongoing active exchange and welcomes all dance enthusiasts from the most experienced to the novice.

Dance_Lab27 is held regularly in our great new location in Haus der Statistik.

We will explore a diverse journey through a mix of styles – the body structure principles of tensegrity interacts with the different technics of contemporary Dance.

We also would love to offer you the opportunity of research and to create your own Works. From september on we will provide as well Sessions of Brainstorming to conceptualise our common future, to develop the new vision of the Dance_Lab27 – as a space for research and performance.

Funded by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family from the Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin.


20. Oktober 2020
facebook – Dance_Lab27
Otto-Braun-Straße 72
10178 Berlin Deutschland

Workshop: Dance_Lab27

All dance enthusiasts are welcome – from the most experienced to the novice … Dance_Lab27 is an open dance platform of the S27 Art and Education, bringing together a diverse group of people interested in movement and body research. Dance_Lab27 is an ongoing active exchange and is held regularly in Haus der Statistik: Haus D or Autoscooter

11. Oktober 2020 | 17:00 20:00

All dance enthusiasts are welcome …

Dance_Lab27 is an open dance platform of the S27 Art and Education, with the aim bringing together a diverse group of people interested in movement and body research: local, international, newcomers, dancers, performers and people who want to discover or rediscover dance and movement. Dance_Lab27 is an ongoing active exchange and welcomes all dance enthusiasts from the most experienced to the novice.

Dance_Lab27 is held regularly in our great new location in Haus der Statistik.

We will explore a diverse journey through a mix of styles – the body structure principles of tensegrity interacts with the different technics of contemporary Dance.

We also would love to offer you the opportunity of research and to create your own Works. From september on we will provide as well Sessions of Brainstorming to conceptualise our common future, to develop the new vision of the Dance_Lab27 – as a space for research and performance.

Funded by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family from the Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin.


11. Oktober 2020
facebook – Dance_Lab27
Otto-Braun-Straße 72
10178 Berlin Deutschland

Workshop: Dance_Lab27

All dance enthusiasts are welcome – from the most experienced to the novice … Dance_Lab27 is an open dance platform of the S27 Art and Education, bringing together a diverse group of people interested in movement and body research. Dance_Lab27 is an ongoing active exchange and is held regularly in Haus der Statistik: Haus D or Autoscooter

10. Oktober 2020 | 17:00 20:00

All dance enthusiasts are welcome …

Dance_Lab27 is an open dance platform of the S27 Art and Education, with the aim bringing together a diverse group of people interested in movement and body research: local, international, newcomers, dancers, performers and people who want to discover or rediscover dance and movement. Dance_Lab27 is an ongoing active exchange and welcomes all dance enthusiasts from the most experienced to the novice.

Dance_Lab27 is held regularly in our great new location in Haus der Statistik.

We will explore a diverse journey through a mix of styles – the body structure principles of tensegrity interacts with the different technics of contemporary Dance.

We also would love to offer you the opportunity of research and to create your own Works. From september on we will provide as well Sessions of Brainstorming to conceptualise our common future, to develop the new vision of the Dance_Lab27 – as a space for research and performance.

Funded by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family from the Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin.


10. Oktober 2020
facebook – Dance_Lab27
Otto-Braun-Straße 72
10178 Berlin Deutschland

Workshop: Dance_Lab27

All dance enthusiasts are welcome – from the most experienced to the novice … Dance_Lab27 is an open dance platform of the S27 Art and Education, bringing together a diverse group of people interested in movement and body research. Dance_Lab27 is an ongoing active exchange and is held regularly in Haus der Statistik: Haus D or Autoscooter

9. Oktober 2020 | 18:00 21:00

All dance enthusiasts are welcome …

Dance_Lab27 is an open dance platform of the S27 Art and Education, with the aim bringing together a diverse group of people interested in movement and body research: local, international, newcomers, dancers, performers and people who want to discover or rediscover dance and movement. Dance_Lab27 is an ongoing active exchange and welcomes all dance enthusiasts from the most experienced to the novice.

Dance_Lab27 is held regularly in our great new location in Haus der Statistik.

We will explore a diverse journey through a mix of styles – the body structure principles of tensegrity interacts with the different technics of contemporary Dance.

We also would love to offer you the opportunity of research and to create your own Works. From september on we will provide as well Sessions of Brainstorming to conceptualise our common future, to develop the new vision of the Dance_Lab27 – as a space for research and performance.

Funded by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family from the Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin.


9. Oktober 2020
facebook – Dance_Lab27
Otto-Braun-Straße 72
10178 Berlin Deutschland

Workshop: Dance_Lab27

All dance enthusiasts are welcome – from the most experienced to the novice … Dance_Lab27 is an open dance platform of the S27 Art and Education, bringing together a diverse group of people interested in movement and body research. Dance_Lab27 is an ongoing active exchange and is held regularly in Haus der Statistik: Haus D or Autoscooter

3. Oktober 2020 | 18:00 21:00

All dance enthusiasts are welcome …

Dance_Lab27 is an open dance platform of the S27 Art and Education, with the aim bringing together a diverse group of people interested in movement and body research: local, international, newcomers, dancers, performers and people who want to discover or rediscover dance and movement. Dance_Lab27 is an ongoing active exchange and welcomes all dance enthusiasts from the most experienced to the novice.

Dance_Lab27 is held regularly in our great new location in Haus der Statistik.

We will explore a diverse journey through a mix of styles – the body structure principles of tensegrity interacts with the different technics of contemporary Dance.

We also would love to offer you the opportunity of research and to create your own Works. From september on we will provide as well Sessions of Brainstorming to conceptualise our common future, to develop the new vision of the Dance_Lab27 – as a space for research and performance.

Funded by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family from the Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin.


3. Oktober 2020
facebook – Dance_Lab27
Otto-Braun-Straße 72
10178 Berlin Deutschland

Performance: Lost in Language

19. September 2020 | 19:00 19:30

„Lost in language“ von Lea Barletti und Elzbieta Chovaniec

Solo-Performance mit Lea Barletti, Dauer: ca. 15 min

„Lost in language“ ist eine Performance, die die italienische Regisseurin und Schauspielerin Lea Barletti mit der polnischen Autorin Elzbieta Chovaniec innerhalb einer Woche in Danzig erarbeitet hat. Sie erzählt eine Geschichte über den allmählichen Verlust der Sprechfähigkeit und die Entdeckung einer neuen Form der Kommunikation.

Karl-Marx-Allee 1
10178 Berlin

Workshop: Dance_Lab27

All dance enthusiasts are welcome – from the most experienced to the novice … Dance_Lab27 is an open dance platform of the S27 Art and Education, bringing together a diverse group of people interested in movement and body research. Dance_Lab27 is an ongoing active exchange and is held regularly in Haus der Statistik: Haus D or Autoscooter

19. September 2020 | 15:00 19:00

All dance enthusiasts are welcome …
Dance_Lab27 is an open dance platform of the S27 Art and Education, with the aim bringing together a diverse group of people interested in movement and body research: local, international, newcomers, dancers, performers and people who want to discover or rediscover dance and movement. Dance_Lab27 is an ongoing active exchange and welcomes all dance enthusiasts from the most experienced to the novice.

Dance_Lab27 is held regularly in our great new location in Haus der Statistik.

We will explore a diverse journey through a mix of styles – the body structure principles of tensegrity interacts with the different technics of contemporary Dance.

We also would love to offer you the opportunity of research and to create your own Works. From september on we will provide as well Sessions of Brainstorming to conceptualise our common future, to develop the new vision of the Dance_Lab27 – as a space for research and performance.

Funded by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family from the Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin.


19. September 2020
facebook – Dance_Lab27
Otto-Braun-Straße 72
10178 Berlin Deutschland