ALL GENDER – Active Art Reading Performance
OTTO – Otto-Braun-Straße 72, 10178 Berlin4 Szenarien für Performance, geschrieben von TIN*-Theaterschaffenden aus Rumänien, und ins Deutsche übersetzt.
Shift-Stick – The Weekend is Over
OTTO – Otto-Braun-Straße 72, 10178 BerlinHumans are the only creatures in the Universe that can measure something that doesn’t exist. Join us on an exploration of gender-bending and fluidified self-expression of diverse identities. Enter the School of Unlearning, and register for the applied program on simultaneously coexisting binarities and non-binarities.
Shift-Stick – The Weekend is Over
OTTO – Otto-Braun-Straße 72, 10178 BerlinHumans are the only creatures in the Universe that can measure something that doesn’t exist. Join us on an exploration of gender-bending and fluidified self-expression of diverse identities. Enter the School of Unlearning, and register for the applied program on simultaneously coexisting binarities and non-binarities.