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11. November 2021 | 20:00

เพลงกล่อมเด็ก Lullaby
ปฐมพล เทศประทีป Pathompon Mont Tesprateep, Thailand 2019, 8 min.
Thong Pan
ยุทธนา มุกดาสนิท Euthana Mukdasanit / สุรชัย จันทิมาธร Surachai Jantimatorn / ไพจง ไหลสกุล Paijong Laisakul / รัศมี เผ่าเหลืองทอง Rassamee Paoluengthong, Thailand 1977, 63 min.
Thong Pan is an activist-produced film from the times of the student uprisings and massacres in the early 70s – a time in Thai history that still lingers as a trauma that finds no resolution. As much as it is a chronicle of the student movement, the film is also an important archival source of local reactions to terraforming mega-dam projects that violently scarred local ecosystems, especially in the Northeastern region. Thong Pan will be introduced by the cinematic experience that is Lullaby: A meditation on oral folk songs, traditionally inspired storytelling poetry on colonial borders, the Cold War, and national accountability for regional bloodshed. Both films were inspired by Third Cinema, or (socialist) cinema of the people, a driving cultural force in the 1970s.