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E+ exchange program „Beat Plastic Waste“
23. Juni 2021 | 12:00 – 26. Juni 2021 | 18:00
Mensch Raum Land e.V. – BAUSTELLUNG
Erasmus+ Exchange program „Beat Plastic Waste“
„Beat Plastic Waste“ is an international project with 4 European countries involved: Germany, Croatia, Holland and France. In this project we deal with our consumer habits and discuss alternative solutions for waste reduction. The general objective is to raise awareness with artistic methods: we create music with self made plastic waste instruments, and we also create animation films with plastic waste. Feel free to join us for the workshops, jam sessions and screenings.
Our events (open for all):
BUILD YOUR INSTRUMENT workshop Wednesday 23. – Saturday 26. June 12 – 18 Uhr
ANIMATE PLASTIC WASTE workshop Friday 25. – Saturday 26. June 12 – 18 Uhr
Friday 25. June
SCREENING: Deutschlands illegale Müllhalden: Das kriminelle Millionengeschäft mit unserem Müll von Marius Münstermann 18:00 15’
Saturday 26. June
JAMSESSION / Konzert: 26. June from 18.00h
Meetingpoint: Haus C / Otto-Braun Str. 72 / HAUS DER STATISTIK