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INTIKUREN: Paths & Perspectives. Cooking Workshop

7. Juni 2024 | 16:00 19:00

What can a table hold? How many banquets, conversations, declarations, and armistices have taken place – or been savored – at the tables of the world!

Another fascinating aspect of tables and their settings is the senses they stimulate. Long conversations that begin with the preparation of the food and end in a long – and fortunately still permitted – #sobremesa, where each sense: sight, touch, smell, taste, hearing, is stimulated.

This is the recipe that INTIKUREN has developed since its pandemic beginnings in 2020. In an act of rebellion against social and culinary disconnection, we began cooking for family and friends during the first window of restriction-free Berlin summer. These events, each with their unique character, were called volumes.

Today, as part of #VOLUME10 of Intikuren, we propose a journey through the paths explored by each volume over these almost four years, while seeking to strengthen our proposal in these turbulent times.

„INTIKUREN: Paths & Perspectives“ is being developed as part of the Sustainable Food Cultures Week at @tu_berlin from June 7th to 10th in the space of @comakingmatters at @HausderStatistik.

General Program:

07.06.24 | 20:00 Music with TXAP,  Dj Quien & catchmegrooving
08.06.24 | 16:00 Cooking Workshop: die Reise des Sebiche 
09.06.24 | 11:00 Brunch & Film Screening: La Memoria de la Primera Lucha de la Balanza


7. Juni 2024
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Co-Making Matters