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MOVE YOUR SHOES and make a wish • TANZJAM all genres

15. Dezember 2024 | 18:00 19:30

MOVE YOUR SHOES and make a wish • TANZJAM 6
mi Live-Musik, Objekten und inspirierenden Texten
für Laien und Profis.
15.12.2024 18h-19:30h
Jeden Monat öffnen wir die KONSERVE im OTTO am Haus der Statistik und schaffen einen Raum für nonverbale Kommunikation. Wir gestalten eine Bühne für alle, die sich selber gern bewegen und auch für diejenigen, die einfach nur zuschauen wollen. Zu den Jams werden als Special-Guests Künstler*Innen aus den verschiedensten Genres und Objekte verschiedenster Daseinszustände eingeladen, um unterschiedliche Impulse zu setzen.

The future interests me – I ´m going to spend the rest of my life there. M.Twain

MOVE YOUR SHOES and make a wish • DANCE-JAM
with live-music, objects and inspiring text fragments
for non professionals and professionals.
15th of December 2024 6pm-7:30pm
Every month we open the KONSERVE at OTTO at Haus der Statistik and
create a space for communication within the frame of music. We establish a stage for everyone who likes to move and also for those who just want to watch. Artists from various genres and objects in various states
of being are invited to the jams as special guests,
to provide different impulses.

die nächsten Termine findet ihr auf unserer website
next dates you find on our website
A donation is very welcome

The dance performance collective -die elektroschuhe- was founded in 2009 by the four dancers/choreographers Ini Dill, Daniel Drabek, Elly Fujita and Katja Scholz and works continuously with the musician Sabine Bremer and the musician/video artist Arne Nitzsche. In changing roles, the collective deals with socio-political issues and experiments with spatial characteristics in public, private and stage spaces. Numerous collaborations with visual artists, video artists and musicians constantly provide new impulses for linking body, space and time.


15. Dezember 2024
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