- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
13. November 2021 | 15:00 – 22:00

P.L.U.R started last year as an activation motion by emotion, as a critical thinking exhibition in demonstration format, to express ourselves under the state of emergency where our rights were denied because of a bigger cause.
This situation exposed how legislation conditioned our life and that human rights aren’t the system’s priority, now that the regulations are opening up we stand for our rights and against the exploitation of the planet in the name of profit.
A series of events composed by a group of contemporary countercultural artists, giving visibility to those who are dedicated every day to explore and challenge the limits of normality in search of a collective cognitive expansion, through different disciplines such as mixed-media sculptures, poetry, music, performance, and installations and in order to create an intersectional experience to gather us to sign a petition to the leaders of the EU, through the @sumofus platform.
In the next edition of PLUR more than 30 artists will symbolically represent the difference between the intellectualisation of contemporary life and the result obtained. The lack of corporate responsibility, emotional intelligence and social commitment that results in trauma, obsolescence and unsustainability, showing us how art can be a practice of liberation, criticism and reflection, uniting us to face the challenges in a playful way.
Aaron Perera @aaronxperera
Aaron Schauenburg @aaronbiskup
Alexander Skorobogatov @alexanderskorobogatov
Anna Nezhnaya @anna_nezhnaya
Cruz Proxy @xcruzproxy
Dmytro Zubyskyi @dmytrozsk
Franzysko @franzysko
Justina Los @justina__los
Kristina Becker @kris__bekker
Lawra @lawwwwwwwwra
L‘Enfant @lenfant_
Maciej Makalowski @djmelaniatrump
Marco Schmitt @marco_schmitttt
Mark Stroemich @mark_stroemich
Miriam Kongstad @miriamkongstad
number1mainroad @number1mainroad
Robert Gründler @robs_n
Samara Sallam @samara_sallam
Sofiia Stepanova @sofamusatova
Synthtati @synthtati
Thomias Radin @thomias.r
Tobias König @t.o.b.i.a.s.k.o.e.n.i.g
Tom Esam @tomesam
Victor Payares @victormanuelpayares
We made a legal petition as our manifest, and we are approaching this concept to different institutions/galleries that are trying to change the status quo and the art world, to produce a series of events over the next years, getting people together and putting pressure to governments to apply what was agreed in the Paris agreement.
We want the politician to finish the subvention to inefficient energies, and to redistribute this money into the needs of the specific communities.
Read, sign and share the petition in our bio. We are the future and the future is ours, We can join forces, contact us.
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, November 13th at 3pm at Haus D, Haus der Statistik.