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The Berlin Field School in the Contemporary Arts

1. Juni 2023 | 10:00 15. Juli 2023 | 14:00

Berlin Field School in the Contemporary Arts is a collaboration between ABA (Air Berlin Alexanderplatz) e.V.  and Simon Fraser University (SFU) School for the Contemporary Arts, Vancouver .

Prof. Sabine Bitter (Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada) & Susanne Kriemann (Air Berlin Alexanderplatz, Germany)


Ayesha Beg,Graysen Braun, Caroline Chernega, Kimberly Cleroux, Roman Dubrule, Gracy Gandhi, Ka Ling Hui (Mickey), Sheriff Jaiteh, Clara (Ching Pui) Lam, Elijah Sam, Kaleb Thiessen, Rochelle Tri, Hao Chi Tsai (Krystal), Perelandra Waddle.

In this 7th iteration of the Berlin Field School fourteen students are spending six weeks in Berlin. Their program, guided by ABA in collaboration with Prof. Sabine Bitter offers a broad introduction to the contemporary arts in Berlin.

Founded in the 12th century, Berlin has been both shaped and divided by history. Today, it is once again the capital of Germany, and is recognized as a global cultural hub; a city where history is intertwined with artistic intervention and innovation, and where international visual art, theater, music, dance and film thrive. The Field School introduces students to the formative forces and contemporary realization of art and culture in Berlin. A comprehension of the correspondence between the arts and their social, political, material context will be enriched through simultaneous study, discussion and an experience of art and the urban fabric of this complex city.

The SFU School for Contemporary Arts has an interdisciplinary structure, and this year’s Field School participants are pursuing Bachelor of Arts degrees in both Film, Desighn and Visual Arts. The research program in Berlin includes visits to galleries, museums, performances, screenings, urban sites, and studio visits and discussions with a range of artists.


1. Juni 2023 | 10:00
15. Juli 2023 | 14:00
Otto-Braun-Straße 72
10178 Berlin Deutschland