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Workshop: Dance_Lab27

31. Oktober 2020 | 17:00 20:00

All dance enthusiasts are welcome …

Dance_Lab27 is an open dance platform of the S27 Art and Education, with the aim bringing together a diverse group of people interested in movement and body research: local, international, newcomers, dancers, performers and people who want to discover or rediscover dance and movement. Dance_Lab27 is an ongoing active exchange and welcomes all dance enthusiasts from the most experienced to the novice.

Dance_Lab27 is held regularly in our great new location in Haus der Statistik.

We will explore a diverse journey through a mix of styles – the body structure principles of tensegrity interacts with the different technics of contemporary Dance.

We also would love to offer you the opportunity of research and to create your own Works. From september on we will provide as well Sessions of Brainstorming to conceptualise our common future, to develop the new vision of the Dance_Lab27 – as a space for research and performance.

Funded by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family from the Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin.


31. Oktober 2020
facebook – Dance_Lab27
Otto-Braun-Straße 72
10178 Berlin Deutschland