SA. 4. FEB. 2017, 10:00am – 3:00pm
Workshopleiterinnen: Jane Hughes & Heather Purcell
Sprache: english
Anmeldung (Betreff: tasty ethics)
Max participants: max 20
Ort: ZUsammenKUNFT, Stresemannstraße 95-97, 10963 Berlin (please register)
Eintritt zur Veranstaltung frei. Die Akademie der ZUsammenKUNFT wird gefördert aus Mitteln der Senatskanzlei für Kulturelle Angelegenheiten Berlin
The participants will read the short story: The Ones Who Walk From Omelas by Ursula Le Guin. The text deals with the terrible paradox of modern life, it could be seen as a parable about exploitation, raising questions of ethics and empathy in everyday life. This will be explored through taste and smell.
We would like to respond to the short story beyond the parameter of academic discussion and the power of language that can weigh down, isolate and exclude. We are interested in a radical pedagogy that can take many sensory and experiential forms outside of and in addition to verbal dialogue.
Thus we would like to explore the questions of ethics, care and empathy arising in the short story as a platform for experimental discussions using smell and taste to create a diverse knowledge exchange. We hope to facilitate an abstract link between the content of the text with the generated shared experiences of taste and smells on site during the workshop. We will provide various smells and tastes as a platform.
For example one could say taste has a strong emotional content, food and nourishment can be associated with care or bitterness. And smell on the otherhand, can have associations with wealth luxury expensive perfumes,etc. We strive to explore these paradoxes through taste and smell in our workshop.
According to Le Guin, her text has been often used by teachers to upset students and make them argue fiercely about morality. Is it possible for particpants to taste and smell fiercely about morality? Are taste and smell possible forms of mediation ? Or is it just simply impractical?
Please come and join us to find out
Time plan: 10am – 3pm
10-11:30am tasty ethics brunch
11:30-12pm discussion of text & reading
12-12:30pm coffee break
12:30-2:30pm Smell empathy interactions
2:30-3:00pm review / feedback